June 19 - 23, 2017 
The International Renewable Energy Academy (IREA) highlighted the Oxford Community Energy Cooperative and their community wind project as a demonstration of leadership in renewable generation.
Academics and professionals from around the globe travelled to York University to participate in a five day immersive training course on community renewable power.
Starting the week at York University, IREA members completed the RETScreen training course and heard from innovative leaders in renewable energy and community power. Speakers included; Greg Leng, the creator of RETScreen and Donna Cansfield, former Minster of Energy and Natural Resources.

On Wednesday June 21, participants toured the Silfab Manufacturing facility to view the process of producing solar panels. IREA then arrived in Oxford for the experiential component of their training. They toured multiple renewable projects in Oxford including many solar installations in Woodstock.
Thursday June 22, the academy visited the Gunn's Hill Wind Farm, the first project completed by the Oxford Community Energy Cooperative. Participants were overwhelmed with excitement at the opportunity to visit Ontario's first community-owned wind farm. Joined by our partners from Prowind Canada and supported by Six Nations of the Grand River, OCEC shared the story of Gunn's Hill with IREA members.
The inaugural year for the academy was a tremendous success, OCEC is very proud to be a partner in learning with;
For more information on the International Renewable Energy Academy, click here